Sorry it’s been a while

Not blogging for a month is a great reminder that some things in life can be put on hold. Diabetes is not one of them. So take advantage of those things you can start and stop at will, I say!

A lot has happened in the past month. Some things worth writing about, most not. I have been trying to adjust to Tresiba (long-acting insulin). The usual trials and errors. Jury is still out. Oh, and while I’m at that I’ve been trying to adjust to insulin pen life. I’ve never been a fan. Still not completely, but I’m dealing.

And if you care, shoveling is a really really good way to bring (and keep) glucose levels down. There’s been a lot of that going on this past month as well.

My friend Riva wrote a blog post where she interviewed me about language and diabetes. Check it out here.

I also launched my podcast (let’s call it a “soft launch”), so there’s that. I’ll tell you more about it another time.

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