Do you like grocery shopping?

groceriesI rate grocery shopping about the same as going to the post office. Both are very (very) low on my list of things I enjoy doing. Actually they are on a different list.

I recently learned that my brother does not like grocery shopping and neither does my sister. Maybe it’s genetic?

Another thing about grocery shopping is that if I don’t have a list I’m in trouble. I’ll get things I don’t need and forget the ones I do need. Then I have to go back!!

What in the world does this have to do with anything? No idea. Just thought I’d bond with the grocery shopping haters of the world. Although if I really think about it, managing diabetes is limited by food. We have to eat and food messes with the old blood glucose. And with grocery shopping – since we have to eat, we have to somehow get the food.

Don’t even get me started on carrying groceries inside and putting them away. I would rather dust.

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