Too Much Diabetes

Today is Day 4 of the Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge: discuss why I write about my health.

I write about not just my health, but diabetes in general because I feel called to do that. Sort of. Sometimes I really wonder about this whole blog thing. I admit it’s a great outlet. When something comes up in my day that blatantly relates to diabetes, I enjoy writing about it. Other times, I’m really not sure what to write about, yet I feel I am supposed to write something (those posts are probably obvious to readers).

As a person with diabetes and a diabetes professional, I get caught in the middle. It sometimes seems I share too much to be professional, but not enough to be personal. I like to share what works for me in hopes that it will help someone else, yet I recognize that everyone is different and has different needs. I also feel compelled to teach, since I am diabetes educator, but I don’t want posts to seem too educational.

Sometimes living with diabetes, working with diabetes, and writing about diabetes is just too much diabetes. I love having all these prompts this month, because, honestly, I don’t have to think so much. Even though it involves blogging more frequently (every day for a month), it actually feels like a break for me.

Anyway, I write about diabetes because it’s what I know. They’re always saying, “write about what you know,” afterall. I like to share things that inspire me and things I find humorous. It’s nice that a blog is informal and doesn’t require references (hyperlinks are nice, though). It’s just a good way to air my thoughts, stories and feelings without having to pay someone to listen, I guess.

There you have it.

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