
The Health Activist Writers Month Challenge is over. Today we debrief. This was my second time participating in HAWMC, and it was still a challenge. We were allowed two “get out of blog free” passes, and I used them both! It worked out nicely; I only really needed the two.

I learned how to “remove preview” on WEGO’s facebook page around day 26. It was pretty embarrassing that I was the only person who seemed to have a big, obnoxious preview of my blog post every time I posted on their page. I still don’t know how to remove it from my own facebook page, however!

I took a stand and did not join Pinterest. I just can’t handle one more social media outlet right now. More on that in another blog post!

I enjoyed writing a poem and trying out a six-word sentence. Any prompt that involves lists is great for me – I’m a list girl.

I had quite a run on Elliott P. Joslin for a few days. I should learn more about him. I keep saying how much I love him, but it’s all based on the very few things I know about him.

Prompts like the wordle one only serve to remind me how much I still need to learn about using technology. I’m not good with codes, sizing, screen shots, and so on. Thank goodness everything we ever need to know can be found through Google!!

Overall it was a good experience. Like managing diabetes, it was a lot to handle on some days. Other days it was no big deal. Unlike managing diabetes, having prompts made it so much easier to blog daily. Unfortunately, no one is prompting us about diabetes each day (or maybe that’s a good thing. In fact, some people do have those “prompters” in their lives. Another blog post?).


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