Stop the Commentary

The following can be considered a public service announcement.

People who work in health care: stop the commentary.

Recently I’ve heard comments about co-pays “This is a really great co-pay!” (You don’t know if that was my last 25 dollars.)

About needles “It’s a 20-gauge needle, which is really small” (Every day I use a 31-gauge needle, which is much smaller. I know what a really small needle is and your definition of really small might be different from mine.)

About diagnostic imaging machines “This will just be a little pressure. It won’t hurt.” (Let me define my own pain/pressure.)

Instead of deciding for the person…what’s cheap, what’s small, what doesn’t hurt…just provide neutral and factual information. Let the person decide. If there’s something you can do about it, then ask. If there is nothing you can do about it, just offer support.

We all appreciate when you care and when you give accurate and unbiased information.

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