Phytochemicals and such

Red wine and chocolate are both foods that contain phytochemicals that are “bioactive.”  This means that they have a function in the body (not just taste or color). Polyphenols are phytochemicals (they are actually a sub group called “flavonoids”) found in red wine and dark chocolate (and many other plant-based foods) and they are antioxidants. Antioxidants are important because they fight inflammation. Inflammation is the destructive process that leads to heart disease, etc (although inflammation also helps us to heal in other circumstances). In order to get these phytochemicals it is very important to eat fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. One could write a dissertation on this (I’m sure many have), but here’s an interesting article about phytochemicals.

So red wine contains more polyphenols than white wine (and red grapes therefore have more health benefits than green grapes). Some people complain of red wine causing headaches. If red gives you headaches (or you are concerned that it might) then white wine is still a healthier choice than mixed drinks (because of the high calorie mixers). I’m also told that the drier the wine the better, in terms of health benefits.

Dark chocolate is healthy in that it offers antioxidants, and it contains fats that are heart healthy; however, it still has unhealthy fat and calories which can lead to weight gain if over-consumed. I think it comes down to dark chocolate being a better option than milk or white chocolate. It’s still not something we want to overindulge in just because we think it’s “good for us.” Plus, it’s really expensive. Thank you, Kathy, for requesting more information about this!

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