Diabetes and junk food

I can definitely relate to this article about eating habits around other people (read it all the way through – the second page really hit home for me). It makes me think of how much I struggle (especially at certain times of the month) when there’s a lot of junk food available.

College was probably the food low-point in my life. I’m not proud of how I ate in college. I know that I ate more in social situations, because I remember feeling like I was more fun when I had a “food buzz.” I still have a tendency to overeat in social settings, which is why I always make sure to bring raw veggies and a healthy dip or a salad. If nothing else, I know I can munch on those all night long!

My husband brings junk food home, and he is fortunate to be able to eat just a little bit at a time. I, on the other hand, have trouble stopping once I start. I have often asked him to keep his junk food in his car or at his office, but it always seems to creep back into the house. Other times I find myself thinking, “I should have the self-discipline to just not eat it.” But then PMS comes around again and it’s just a vicious cycle (pun intended).

Lately, we’ve been making more of an effort to buy healthier snacks and keep them handy. Things like Clif Kids Z Fruit Rope and dark chocolate-covered blueberries have become quite a hit around here. There are even little individual-size packages of pistachios (these are all available in bulk at Costco).

How do you handle food around other people? What sets you off and what helps you avoid eating it?

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