Checking In

It’s been a while since I last posted anything. I haven’t felt inspired to write during the whole pandemic situation. More than that, though, it didn’t seem like there was much to say that hadn’t already been said.

I have no desire to write about COVID and diabetes – you can find that in multiple places already, there is no shortage of reading material on the subject, and I’m sure there’s a lot more to come. So I just stopped writing. In some ways it’s been a nice break. Yet, as I have said and written may times before, there’s no break from diabetes, so I’m back. Just to check in and say hi.

How are you? What are you doing to stay on top of your diabetes management during these very challenging times? Do you have the support and information you need? Have you experienced telehealth yet? Are you keeping a sense of humor through all of it? Are you taking care of yourself? Are you getting outside?

I was talking to someone yesterday, who said, “where there’s a will, there’s a way.” And then he said that people with diabetes could have that as a mantra (or something to that effect). People with diabetes are creative, strong-willed, and independent. Maybe not all of us were born that way, yet managing diabetes on a daily basis gives us the skills to manage a lot (sometimes with only a little) and keep pushing through.

I hope you are doing ok today, and I hope you are finding the will and the way to move forward and keep working at all of it. You got this.

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