Big Sibling is Watching

I was sitting in a hotel in Madison, Wisconsin, and I just glanced at Facebook. Right smack at the top of my feed there was a photo of a tee shirt that said, “I may live in Wisconsin, but my story began in Massachusetts.” That was incredibly creepy. Although they got part of it wrong (I was only visiting Wisconsin), it didn’t take long for social media to figure out where I was and where I grew up (and try to sell me a tee shirt about it).

Kind of reminds me of all my health care information being in the cloud, or how the electronic health record follows me everywhere. I realize it’s convenient for some, but it still creeps me out when I go to a provider and they know everything about me before I even say a word.

Maybe it’s time to unplug. Go analog. Head for the mountains. Oh yea, I already live in the mountains. But you knew that.

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