Best Conversation

The best conversation I had this week(ish) was with my daughter. My daughter is ten and she is extremely random – always has been. She and I were in the car, driving home from somewhere, and she said, “Mom, what’s a weird activity you like to do?” I sat there (driving) and tried to think of something weird I like to do, when her eyes got big and she said, “Oh, I know. Counting carbs!”

Who knew she was even paying attention when I was counting? I admit there are times when I sit at the kitchen table, looking at my plate and counting (although not usually out loud). Or else I’ve just checked my blood glucose and I’m counting to see how I messed up my insulin dose that resulted in the current (high) number. I think I’m counting in my head, or at least to myself, but other ears are listening. She has asked, during those types of occasions, “What are you doing?” To which I would answer, “Counting carbs.”

Just when I think my kids have no clue about my diabetes (because I don’t make a big deal about it in front of them), they surprise me. Those are some of the best conversations.

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