Worry-free Day

Today would have been a perfect day to be worry free. Today I hiked in the Grand Canyon with my husband and kids. Although I was comfortable with my blood glucose level prior to lunch and hike, it definitely would have been great to  not have to worry at all. When engaging in a strenuous activity such as climbing down and then back up a rather large canyon, there is definitely a tendency to worry about the possibility of having a low blood glucose event. Fortunately, I can be prepared with low blood glucose treatment options as well as my blood glucose meter, insulin, and water.

I realize there are many risks I don’t take because I have diabetes. But then again I don’t really know if I would actually be more of a risk taker if I didn’t have diabetes. But not having to worry about blood glucose levels would certainly make life easier and allow more spontaneity.

By the way, another day that would have been augmented by a worry-free pass would have been my wedding day.

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