When you’re diagnosed with diabetes

When you’re diagnosed with diabetes you have a choice. You can complain, whine, vent, despair. You can be down, feel guilty, beat yourself up, give up. Or you can take it on. You can choose to have a positive attitude and do what it takes to get healthy, or as healthy as you can get. You can exercise and choose healthy foods – most of the time. And accept yourself and your choices when you don’t.

When you’re diagnosed with diabetes you can put the past where it belongs: in the past. You can accept where you are and prepare for a fabulous future. You can make changes through your choices.

When you’re diagnosed with diabetes you can work with health care providers who empower you, answer your questions, provide good/helpful information and support you. You can stay away from people/providers who judge, blame, shame, question, or make you feel bad in any way. You can find support and encouragement from others who have diabetes.

When you’re diagnosed with diabetes you can be the best person you were always meant to be. You just happen to know a little more about something you never wanted to know about. You have an opportunity to take better care of yourself and feel better than you ever have before. You even have an opportunity to help others with or without diabetes – maybe you’ll help someone prevent themselves from ever getting it.

When you’re diagnosed with diabetes you are amazing.

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