Vitamin B12 and Neuropathy: a vicious cycle

feet_1Stay with me on this one:

1.) Vitamin B12 deficiency (low levels) can lead to neuropathic symptoms (numbness/tingling or pain in the feet).

2.) Neuropathic means disease of the nervous system.

3.) Metformin (a diabetes drug) can lead to B12 malabsorption.

4.) If you are not absorbing B12 properly, it doesn’t matter how much you take – it won’t work.

5.) High blood glucose over time can lead to neuropathy (nerve disease).

So what happens if someone has symptoms of nerve disease and it is blamed on diabetes, but it’s really poor absorption of B12 from long-time metformin use? This is precisely why we have to be aware of these things and ask questions. If you are experiencing strange sensations in your lower extremities and you have diabetes and you take metformin, be sure to ask your health care provider about vitamin B12 malabsorption. There may be effective ways to turn this around. It’s worth finding out, because

1.) if your feet are bothering you

2.) you are less likely (or able) to exercise

3.) which can lead to higher blood glucose levels

4.) which can lead to further problems with your feet.

Let’s stop this vicious cycle!

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