Thankful for Diabetes Health Activists

HAWMC_2012_dayprompt-14Today’s prompt for the Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge is to thank fellow health activists. Here’s my list:

Leonard Auter – for his grass roots, personal efforts to reach out to and support others with diabetes.

Susan Mees and her colleagues at WEGO Health (the folks who started this challenge three years ago).

Karen Graffeo for organizing the Diabetes Blog Week that happens each year in May.

Cherise Shockley for founding the Diabetes Social Media Advocacy organization that runs live tweet chats and blog talk radio interviews – all around diabetes topics and for people with diabetes.

Kelly Rawlings, the editor of Diabetes Forecast, who made a conscious effort to change the language used in their publication.

David Edelman for creating and Ginger Vieira for contributing to Diabetes Daily, which serves thousands and thousands of people with diabetes.

Manny Hernandez for creating and Emily Coles for managing tudiabetes, which serves thousands and thousands of people with diabetes.

Bennet Dunlap for his work at Diabetes Advocates.

Mike Young, who is connecting people with diabetes in Spain and Europe with the online community in the United States.

Shelley Yeager for her tireless efforts with DECA and DTreat and anything to help people with diabetes.

The folks at glu and TheDX and dLife and diabetesmine and insulindependence.

And all the amazing people living with diabetes and parenting kids with diabetes, who write about their experiences, share information, advocate, and support. Clearly I could go on and on and on. The online health activist community is huge! Thanks to everyone for your part in helping, supporting, and advocating for those who live with health conditions.

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