Same food advice for all

FotoFlexer_Photo-187x300Despite using the ‘s-word’ (should), an article I read recently caught my eye because it has what I think is an important message. In fact, this is one of the messages that I emphasize in my book. For a very long time people with diabetes were made to feel different (and many still are), and because society is very slow to catch on to new ideas (well, sometimes), the idea that food messages are the same for people with and without diabetes has had a hard time sticking.

What we know about food in 2013 is good information and provides healthy guidelines for everyone. Trans fatty acids (from processed foods), and excess saturated fats, sodium, carbohydrate and protein are hard on our bodies. In other words: everything in moderation except vegetables! In addition, quitting smoking can save blood vessels and exercise is beneficial overall. Most important, a positive attitude about what we eat and how we live can help us live happier, longer lives.

Ok, there is one difference. While the message about food is the same for those with or without, eating and drinking involves more thinking for people with diabetes. And maybe a little more math. And that’s why people with diabetes are so darn smart.

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