More options for positive diabetes energy

On Monday I posted a guest blog by Ally Ertel. She wrote about using journaling and other ways to redirect negative energy and focus on what’s going right in our lives.

Personally, I have never been a journaler (is that a word)? I find that ironic, since I now write a blog, which is essentially one big, public journal. I do like journals, by the way. I have a few. I think they are very pretty books, and I typically use them as a place to write lists.

Anyway, if you don’t get into writing in a journal, there are other options: meditation, prayer, breathing, yoga, exercise. Lately I have been thinking about the four agreements from the book “The Four Agreements.” Have you read it? I actually listened to it on CD in the car (on the suggestion of my husband!). The four agreements are 1) be impeccable with your word, 2) don’t take anything personally, 3) don’t make assumptions, and 4) always do your best. Believe it or not, these “agreements” can be applied to anything, even diabetes management and a healthy lifestyle.

Make an agreement with yourself – perhaps about how you’ll take care of your body. And then keep your word with yourself. And when you don’t get the results you’re hoping for, don’t take it personally (don’t beat yourself up), but keep doing your best. And we all know what happens when we assume anything…

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