Looking at Low Carb from a Different Angle

DSCN2308There’s been a lot of talk about low carb meal plans for many years now. We evolved from Adkins to South Beach to Paleo and now State of Slim (with many others in between). There is science to back up the cutting back on carbohydrate foods, especially the ones that lack nutrients (white bread, white rice, etc.) or have unhealthy ingredients (packaged, processed foods). I am a big supporter of plant-based foods, so fruits and vegetables – even the ones with carbohydrate – are a huge part of my own eating plan.

So far the thinking about carbs has focused on blood glucose and weight, but today I read an article that also looked at the financial investment side of carbs. I thought that was very interesting. The article says consumers’ move away from carbohydrate foods has “staying power,” and that companies producing mostly grain-based processed foods will have an “uphill challenge.”

Once again, the message is the same for those with and without diabetes (everything in moderation, low fat dairy, mostly plants, and get the carbs you do eat from whole grains, legumes, and fruits): find a healthy eating plan you can stick with. For many people, cutting back on (not cutting out) carbs is helping with weight and blood glucose levels.

Thinking about the food choices we make can actually be an investment in our health and our financial future!


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