Great Diabetes Thing

Today’s Dblog Week prompt is to write about one diabetes thing I do “spectacularly.” That’s a strong word. As I thought through all the diabetes things I do, I realized that I pretty much mess up all of them at some point. Further proof that I’m human. I think the one thing I consistently do, and never miss, though, is checking my blood glucose first thing in the morning.

I never, ever start a day without knowing what my blood glucose level is. That means I have the information I need to make several important decisions: how much insulin I take; how long I wait before taking it (if I’m low) or after taking it and before eating (if I’m not low); and how much I to eat.

Finally, I don’t beat myself up for the number. It’s just a number. It took me years to get to the point where I can say that and believe it. I use that number to make decisions, not to judge myself. And then I move on and enjoy my day.

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