Exercise words

Admittedly I’m a word freak. I love words – where they come from, what they mean, how they are pronounced. I try to be mindful about the words I use (well, most of the time), but I also obsess about words and let words get to me, so it’s a double-edged sword.

Today I saw a headline in which exercise snacks was part of the title. What? You can eat exercise? That reminded me of exercise bouts, a term I heard not too long ago. Snacks sound delicious, while bouts sound like an illness. But exercise isn’t edible and illness is a turn-off.

Maybe we can find a better word for this: What about exercise excursions? Or exercise extravaganzas? How about these: exercise moments, exercise drops, or exercise spots. Anything that might stick?

The point of the article was that little spurts of exercise might be better on blood glucose management than prolonged workouts. Rather than obsessing about words, I think I’ll go take a walk.

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