Diabetes Tricks

There’s a lot to do to manage a disease like diabetes – check blood glucose, take meds, exercise, make healthy food choices, and so on. Just when you think you’ve got it down, something changes (this is true for many things in life).

I took Lantus once a day (before bed) for years. When I started taking Lantus I was coming off of wearing an insulin pump for years, so I often forgot my bedtime dose. Just when I got it down, and pretty much never forgot that evening injection, I made a change to taking some of my Lantus in the morning (it turns out that our “24-hour insulin” really only lasts about 20ish hours, so many people need to split the dose for maximum coverage).

As you can imagine, I forgot the morning dose more often than I remembered it, so I had to come up with a “trick.” I keep my Lantus in a little basket on my bathroom counter (insulin that is currently being used does not need to be in the refrigerator). I started putting the Lantus vial on the counter after my bedtime dose, so I would see it in the morning. This little trick has helped tremendously and I no longer forget the morning dose.

What little tricks have you developed to help you remember all the diabetes tasks you need to do each day?

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