Diabetes Support

Tonight I was reminded of the benefits of support. I was also reminded of all the times I have tried to hold diabetes support group meetings, and very few people showed up. So few, in fact, that I eventually stopped trying. I came to the conclusion that “people don’t need support.” But that is simply not true. We all need support.

There are many ways you can find support, and it doesn’t just have to be about diabetes support. Friendship is a great source of support. There are women’s groups, men’s groups, dinner clubs, book clubs, Bible studies, music groups, exercise groups and so many more.

As more and more of us work from home and don’t have that daily interaction at the “water cooler,” finding support is even more important. I’m grateful for the support systems in my life, and I’m committed to finding more as I continue this journey. We sometimes have to overcome fears in order to seek support.

I’ll end with this quote by Shirley MacLaine: “Fear makes strangers of people who would be friends.”

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