Diabetes Superpower

If I had a superpower I would add more time to the weekend days. Or wherever more time was needed. I have found, since working fulltime, that I do not have enough time on the weekends to get everything done that I would like to. I also find I don’t have as much time for sleeping as I would like.

Sleep is critical to taking care of diabetes. Lack of sleep can lead to high glucose and high (or low) glucose can lead to lack of sleep. Lack of sleep can also lead to crankiness and low productivity. I would definitely use some of that extra time to sleep a little more.

Diabetes tasks take extra time. Even though the blood glucose meters we have now are quick, it still takes time. Changing pump infusion sets takes time, as does drawing up and injecting insulin and/or taking pills. All the appointments with health care providers take time. So it would be nice to have extra time for all this, and not have to cut into my life.

My diabetes superpower would be to add time, here and there, where I need it for sleep or diabetes tasks. I hope I wouldn’t abuse it, because too much extra time could probably have bad effects on the earth’s calendar or rotation, or something.

What would your superpower be?

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