Diabetes Story: Hardest and best

Question #3: What has it been like to live with diabetes? The hardest part and the best part?

I have been very fortunate to have had a relatively straight-forward journey with diabetes, so far. My parents did not make a big deal of it when I was diagnosed (at least not in front of me), and I went to camp where I learned a lot and met many friends with diabetes. I’ve had wonderful diabetes care providers, and diabetes hasn’t stopped me from doing what I’ve wanted to do. I have always known, on some level, that I would be just fine.

The hardest part about diabetes has been 1) eating in restaurants or at other people’s houses – basically anytime I’m not fully in charge of the meal. In those situations I tend to overeat and underdose. I even purposely take more insulin than I think I’ll need, but I never seem to get it right when eating away from home. Add alcohol to the picture and I almost certainly don’t get it right.

2) Overnight insulin. I use multiple daily injections (long-acting and rapid-acting insulin) to manage my blood glucose, as opposed to a pump (see  To Pump or Not to Pump for an explanation of why). I have struggled to get the overnight dose right pretty much forever. I remember having trouble with Ultralente back in the early 90s, and I still struggle with Lantus. Part of the problem is that I tend to overeat in the evening, so I’m often chasing blood glucose at bedtime. But even last night, when I went to bed at 83 (after having treated a 62 with orange juice and nuts), I woke up 228. Go figure.

The best part about living with diabetes is that it has led me to many experiences I wouldn’t have otherwise had. Because of diabetes I met lifelong camp friends. Because of diabetes I have had a career in diabetes education and am now involved in leading and teaching the first-ever Master of Science in Diabetes Education and Management Program at Teachers College Columbia University. Because of diabetes I am in tune with my body and I take care of myself.

What about you? Hardest? Best?

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