Diabetes & Avocados

Everyone is encouraged to make healthy food choices, and people with diabetes happen to have a little extra motivation for doing so. Today, Hope Warshaw’s tweet brought to my attention the fact that Subway is jumping on the avocado bandwagon. I was very proud when later I heard on the radio “guess what bandwagon Subway is jumping on” and I knew the answer!

Anyway, avocados are incredibly healthy. My relationship with avocados is a short one. I only started liking them in the past five years. The turning point for me was guacamole in Mexico. Wow. In the past three years I’ve even started putting slices of avocado on sandwiches and in salads. Trust me, three years ago I NEVER would have done that. When my kids were babies, all the other parents around me were feeding their kids chunks of avocado and I could not even imagine doing that. Now I so wish I had branched out a little.

I am constantly telling patients about the benefits of plant-based fats and the dangers of animal-based (and chemically altered) fats. To translate: fats that come from animals are saturated fats. Saturated fats include butter, cream, cream cheese, fat-containing milk, etc. Saturated fats lead to increased cholesterol levels and heart disease.

Fats that are chemically altered are called trans fats. Studies show that trans fats are even worse for our bodies than saturated fats! Mono and polyunsaturated fats, on the other hand, are good for us (in moderation). These fats come from plants: nuts, olives, olive oil, and avocados are good sources. Here is an article that provides nutrition information about avocados.

If you don’t like avocados, consider giving them a/another try. If you already like them, keep eating them! Give them to your babies (when they are old enough to chew)! I learned how to make guacamole last year and here’s the recipe I was given:

Avocados (cut in half and use a spoon to remove the useful part, throw away the pit); cumin; garlic powder; diced tomatoes and red peppers. Smash them all together in a bowl or using a mortar and pestle. I love to dip raw veggies in guacamole, so don’t think it only goes with tortilla chips!

Kerri of SixUntilMe had another great avocado idea. The options are endless – please share some of your favorites!

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