Beware of shopping hungry

cutcaster-photo-100119140-People-shopping-for-produceYou may have heard this before, and here’s a study that supports the warning that shopping when we’re hungry affects the types (and amounts) of food that we buy. So here are some healthy ways to shop for food:


  • Shop when you are not hungry (right after a meal or snack).
  • Shop the perimeter of the store (where all the fresh, non-processed foods are located).
  • Buy groceries/ingredients for several days worth of meals if at all possible (fewer trips to the store equals less temptations to buy unhealthy food).
  • Prepare your fresh veggies (wash and cut) right when you get home (so they are ready for a healthy snack when you want/need one).

What other suggestions do you have for healthy ways to shop? What about ways to buy healthy foods and still keep the cost down? Perhaps we can collect and bring coupons to the store. Instead of unhealthy, packaged/processed foods, we can opt for fresh produce. Other ideas?

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