Being truthful to ourselves…and others

One of the things we discuss frequently in the graduate program where I teach is creating a trusting environment where people with diabetes feel comfortable sharing openly and honestly with their care providers.

At the same time it’s crucial that people with diabetes are forthright with their providers about their eating, exercise, medication-taking, and other lifestyle habits. I am always very impressed with people who sit across from me in a diabetes education visit and say, “I’ll be honest…(fill in the blank regarding food choices, exercise, smoking, etc.).” I’m impressed because, let’s face it, if people aren’t honest it’s really not a good use of anyone’s time. Yet it can be scary to open up about what’s actually happening in our diabetes lives – it makes us vulnerable.

It’s important to share openly in order to receive the best and most individualized care possible. This article discusses another reason why it’s important to be honest with ourselves and our health care providers: it just might contribute to recommendations for larger populations of people down the road!

People with diabetes: please share openly with your providers. Diabetes educators and other care providers: please listen respectfully and do not judge; use the information to help people. Thanks!

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