Are we teaching dependence?

I am overwhelmed by all the options available to people with diabetes. Yes, we can always ask for more and better, but what we have now and what is in the pipeline are pretty impressive. Kids and families who are diagnosed today don’t even realize what people with diabetes had to work with in the “early days.” They might be appalled if they knew!

But what about things like Apple’s new HealthKit and cloud-based meters? While I believe there’s an important place for these tools, are we teaching dependence? As long as kids with type 1 are being taught how to detect low blood glucose (and treat it and then how to prevent it), I’m ok with the new-fangled stuff. Kids and adults with diabetes still need to focus on being or becoming independent in their care so that they can get on with life and living well.

We’ve come a long way in sending a message of fitting diabetes into life and not life into diabetes. Hopefully technology can help us continue on that path.

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