We need snow like we need glucose

I admit that I am mostly motivated for wanting snow by the fact that I bought a very expensive ski pass and I want to use it. But more importantly, we need snow! I started thinking about how my community’s need for snow is a lot like our bodies’ need for glucose: ironic, but real.

Many people hate snow – they avoid being in snowy places at all costs. Other people visit the mountains for a dose of snow and winter activities once a year. Those of us who live here, know that snow is essential to life. Snow brings tourists and our community functions on tax dollars that come from tourists who spend their money here. Snow keeps our hospital in business, and therefore we have good, local health care options. Snow melts and runs off into our river and gives us much-needed water all summer long.

Glucose is a challenge for those with diabetes: we spend a lot of time and energy trying to manage the level of glucose in our blood. It would be wonderful if we didn’t have to deal with glucose, but we do, because our bodies need glucose for energy. Our brains can’t function without glucose and we can’t function without our brains. Our muscles use glucose to contract and we can’t move without muscle contractions.

Sometimes the things that drive us the most crazy are the things we can’t live without.

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