Artificial Pancreas updates

I guess it just dawned on me that the race is really on for the artificial pancreas. I listened to a webinar the other day about one group’s work on it. Yesterday I was looking at a conference agenda, where another group’s artificial pancreas will be discussed. And I just read an article about a group in Minnesota (scroll down to the third section) that is working on one as well. There are probably several more.

When I’m living in my little world, going about my business and taking my insulin, I don’t really give a lot of thought to an artificial pancreas. All this information, though, makes it seem more real and maybe even possible (in my lifetime?).

Anyway, I was very impressed with the article I read today because they acknowledged that the artificial pancreas is not the complete answer and that it won’t be perfect. Just as CGM – which has many wonderful benefits – is not perfect. I truly appreciate the honesty and the fact that this person stated, “I don’t think any of us believe that these machine-based solutions and equations will ever be perfect,” Levine said. “What we’re trying to do is to close the gap between substantial imperfection and a better solution for real patients living in the real world.”

I just want to say THANK YOU for that statement, and for all the work these and other scientists are doing to improve life for those of us with diabetes. It’s good to know that while I’m not thinking about it, someone else is.

What are your thoughts on the artificial pancreas (closed-loop system)?

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